Tuesday, March 25, 2014

YES Program Survey


This survey was designed to be included in my YES program evaluation proposal.  I didn't want to make the survey too long as teachers time is very valuable and a survey that is too lengthy will reduce completion rates.  Throughout the revision process, the paper survey was kept to under two pages or one page printed front to back.      

The original survey was sent to four teachers to be pilot tested.  Two teachers responded (spring break may have been a factor) but I am still waiting for additional responses. As an interim solution, the survey was also pilot tested by one engineer and one home-maker. 

Some options for delivery of the survey include email, school mailbox, in person, or at a staff meeting. 

Teachers feel more open and able to give honest feedback if the survey is anonymous; therefore, the requested demographic information was kept minimal.  The question regarding number of teaching years will help the YES staff to see if early service teachers need more support in understanding the program and the benefits of collaboration. After testing the survey, this question was made categorical to make it easier to answer as some teachers forgot the number of years they have been in the profession and to further protect identity. This question was moved from the beginning of the survey as it did not catch the interest of the respondents. 
The final version is as follows:
How long have you been teaching?
 0-5 years
 5-10 years
10+ years

The question regarding the knowledge of the number of students in the classroom receiving support caused a number of participants to stumble.  The question required to much precision and one respondent answered that they did not know.  Another respondent suggested that this question excluded non-enrolling teachers and counsellors.  As the intent of the question was to target the awareness of students receiving support from the YES program and the communication that surrounds that awareness, the question was changed to a categorical multiple choice with the option of identifying as a non-enrolling teacher. 
The final version is as follows:
How many students, that you are aware of, in your classes this year, receive support from the YES program?
ÿ                                            None
ÿ                                           1-2
ÿ                                           3-5
ÿ                                           6+
ÿ                                           I don’t know
ÿ                                          I do not have any enrolling classes

In an effort to include the non-enrolling teachers’ responses to all questions in the survey, the wording was changed for questions that referred to “students in your class”

Question number ten in the survey, asking participants if they agree that the YES program helps students stay in school was poorly worded.  Some people viewed that as a fact, as it is the overarching goal of the program.  The intent behind the question was to see if there was a correlation between collaboration and the respondent’s perception of the efficacy of the program.  The question was reworded as follows:
I have seen the YES program help vulnerable students stay in school.  
A short thank you was added to the end of the paper version of the survey. 

The final copy can be viewed in a paper (pdf) or electronic format.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Elenna

    I like the reflection you share in your posting. I agree that making it anonymous will increase people's willingness to share. You support your rationale for the changes that you made. Good work to migrate the survey to the online version. The only change I would make would be to add some white space so that questions are not so crowded.

